Monday, April 5, 2010

The Moscow Zoopark

On Saturday, my friends and I decided, based on Nathan's advice, to go to the Moscow zoo since the weather has gotten much warmer recently (basically all of the snow is melted - probably around 45-50 or so degrees out). So we decided to meet at around 1:30 at the entrance. I left early and so I got to the metro station about 45 minutes early. I was hungry since I hadn't eaten breakfast before leaving, so I started to just wander down the road to try and find a McDonald's or something. After about 25 minutes I found the Russian equivalent of KFC, where I sat, ate and finished with about enough time to get back to the zoo entrance (which I passed on the way to the KFC).

So I walk back and get there at around 1:20, but don't see anyone I know. I call my friend and she says that they are literally 10 feet from the entrance. Huh.

I decided to just go in and try and find them when they do get in, since they must be at another entrance. She told me that they were near a frozen lake and some rides. Turned out that there were like 4 different lakes in the zoo, so after a few mistakes I found a big building that looked like an exit/entrance. I went up the ramp and found a bridge leading to a whole new half of the zoo. On the complete other side of the biggest frozen lake thing yet was a building with turnstiles, meaning that I literally had to walk across the entire zoo to find my group. So I did.

It was pretty cool, though they didn't really have anything that I'd never seen before. The lions, tigers, and bears were all inside eating or sleeping or something, so we didn't see any of them. And in addition to your typical animals, they also had some rarer North American animals, like the exceptionally exotic Raccoon, and the Red Squirrel. Yep, squirrels and raccoons.

Anyway, here are some pictures:

I waited for like 5 minutes for this guy to yawn again.

Funny story. You can't see it in this picture, but I almost got my hair eaten by this dude. I usually take this solo pictures, and my "friends" pushed me closer, then all of a sudden they get really excited for some reason. I turn around and the horse's head is RIGHT BEHIND ME with it's mouth open. Terrifying.

Now that's scary.

This is pretty much how every big cat looked. Really effing tired.

Pssh, I've seen better at Sea World.

And finally, as we were leaving, we walked by the pen that contained a mama polar bear and her cubs. Adorableness followed.

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